very large moderate risk area

high risk hatched area of tornado probabilities

very large hail chances were high too

later in the evening storms were going to transition to big wind event
i've included the link to the minneapolis nws damage survey page. the tornado reached a max intensity of EF-4!! appears this was during some of the pics and video we took!!
here's my videos finally!! they were too big to just upload to my page, so i had to split it up and post them to youtube. there are three parts:
part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjTClVBdsSw
part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0wwjLX0Bx4
part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxqXRyXcCRg
according to the storm survey the tornado was at its strongest 2 miles north of Conger, MN. I have video of the tornado as we are going through Conger! highlights of the damage here include a car being thrown 3200 feet and trees completely debarked! the tornado continued on passing north of Interstate 90 and eventually grew to 1 mile wide!! Of note, the tornado was not as strong when it was at its widest, producing only EF-2 to EF-3 damage. this is a common misconception that the wider the tornado, the stronger the winds!
unfortunately one fatality occurred with this tornado, right after where we first had to turn around.
onto the pics!!
pic of storm growing as we approach south central minnesota
pic i did some crazy editing with!
close up of cumulonimbus exploding
we were now approaching the storms in central minnesota, and there was a tornado warning! unfortunately the radar on my computer was almost 30 minutes old, so we didn't know if it was entirely safe to drive through the storms on the interstate to get to the east side of the storms. we wanted to get in front of them to get a better view.
getting pretty close to the storms now near blue earth minnesota
huge hail shaft(white area) in storm crossing the interstate
we started to drive into the storm before deciding it would be better to not try it. i turned around on the interstate and we headed back west eventually finding another exit where we went south and back east towards blue earth, minnesota. we felt it was safe enough to start heading east again, despite the radar still being not up to date. as we were driving down the interstate, a wall cloud formed behind us, and we started to get into heavy rain again. here's a pic of the wall cloud:
so again we pulled off the interstate and sat and waited. listening to the radio, there were more storms down to the south of us that were warned for tornadoes. there was going to be no way to head east it looked like. we sat for about 10 minutes, watching the storms to our east and south. this was directly above us:
when suddenly looking south we saw the beginnings of a wall cloud on the horizon!
wall cloud and funnel starting to form
beautiful first tornado!!
starting to lift. this was actually already the 2nd tornado to form
still a good looking funnel!
2nd tornado dissipating
3rd tornado!!!
now a needle like tornado with several another funnel next to it!!
we were stopping and taking pics, driving forward for a while and stopping again to take more pics. the third tornado lifted, and now a massive wall cloud almost on the ground formed. it looked like a massive wedge was about to form. we were just west of bricelyn, minnesota now.
pic of large wall cloud
one more time
the black pickup was an emergency vehicle racing east towards bricelyn
we had to drop south briefly in bricelyn due to road network but then headed east and met up with the storm again. it was here where we ran into all the other chasers in the area including roger hill's tour group! we watched the meso rotate rapidly as one wall cloud to the right in the pic below tried to make another tornado.
dual wall clouds, the whole sky seemed to be rotating!!
huge rotating wall cloud
funnel forming!
suddenly a tornado on the left there comes out of the haze!! didn't even see it coming!
close up of tornado number 4!!
more pics of the 4th tornado
we caught back up with the storm, and the tornado was still on the ground. these are some of my favorite pics below:
got fairly close to the tornado below. the motion was so violent and there were almost always multiple vortices.
in the pics below there are storm chasers and other people right up next to the tornado
probably my favorite pic of the tornadoes
violent motion in the tornado!
close up of violent tornado
multi-vortex tornado!!
could have been my favorite pic if it was less blurry!
the tornado was still on the ground as we now headed north. along the way we had driven through a couple of small towns, i believe conger, minnesota was one of them, that had some tree damage and some poles were leaning over, etc. as we headed north on hwy 46, we ran into a bunch of the other chasers turning around. there were tons of wires and power poles down across the road in front of us!! we had no choice but to turn around and therefore give up on the storm. we turned around in a driveway of a house that had this damage below:
we decided to start heading home towards omaha. it was now after 7 pm and we had been chasing the same tornado producing storm for at least an hour now. as we headed south we ran into a cell that was only severe warned at the time. suddenly the hail started. it grew and grew so at the end when only a few stones were falling, they were nearly golf ball sized. i finally put some dents into my car!!
after the storm passed the back side of the storm came into view and another large wall cloud was starting to form. again the rotation was amazing, and we were sure this would make another tornado on this new storm. we turned back around to follow this storm north. unfortunately this led us into albert lea minnesota. after a few wrong choices we finally ended up on the east side of town, almost to I-35 that would take us north to the storm again. there was now another report of a large tornado on the ground again! here we came up to a bridge and suddenly had to stop bc of cars stopped. there were a couple of cops sitting at the bottom of the east side of the bridge not letting traffic go any further east. rather than letting everyone go further another 100 feet where they could turn everyone back around to the west, THEY HAD US ALL SIT AND WAIT ON A BRIDGE, THE TALLEST STRUCTURE IN THE AREA!! soon the sirens started going off again, and the cops started coming up to us and saying it might be safer for us to get out of the car and walk down to the end of the bridge and go wait under the bridge. so we sat there for nearly 15 minutes. finally we said something to one of the cops about letting us go the 100 feet down the road so everyone can turn around. the one cop talked to the other and sure enough they finally let us go and turn around. we made a full loop, driving by the cops and started heading north again. there was still a report of a tornado on the ground about 10 miles northeast of albert lea. we tried to catch up to the storm again, but eventually ran into more power lines down so we had to turn around one last time. we started home happy but exhausted!! the tornadoes we saw today were the first my buddy matt has ever seen, and for me i had only "kindof" seen a tornado last year near kirksville. so this was the day i had dreamed of, seeing multiple tornadoes, moving slowly, with plenty of chances for pics and video!! what a day!!
new wall cloud forming on last storm
another shot of wall cloud forming
storm now past us moving north
last storm we tried to catch up to before we had to turn around again
shot looking back to the east towards des moines, along I-80. was trying to catch a big bolt, but of course those stopped when i stopped to get pics!
some videos taken by my chase partner matt!! i will hopefully add mine later, it's a lot longer though!
first good video matt took
2nd longer video as we get within 1 mile of the huge tornado!!
last video taken by matt of the tornadoes!
here are some of matt's pics taken. some are similar but i tried to pic out some different ones!
strong updraft on a thunderstorm
first tornado of the day!!
awesome shot of elephant trunk tornado!!
chasers close to tornado!
violent tornado!!
1 comment:
Great post! I remember this day quite well. It was the best chase day of my life! That tornado north of Congor was incredibly violent. I remember the strong smell of dirt as it was ripping off the top soil when we intercepted it. The surface winds/inflow jet around that funnel has been the strongest I have ever experienced. Hard to top such an amazing chase like that. Here's my blog post from that day: http://photography.tcs.net/blog/?id=107
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