i've added some pics that i took of a storm that formed west of town about 30 or so miles. it was kindof a cool scene. i knew there were some storms west and southwest of town that were moving south, so not towards town. so just before sunset i went out on our back deck to see if i could see any lightning. there was a little bit that was being blocked by trees but i also saw a pretty healthy looking developing thunderhead off to the west as well that wasn't producing any lightning. i thought i would go west on fort to 156th street where there is a high school that has a nice parking lot and it sits high enough up that you can see a long ways to the west. as i was driving the little sliver of the moon that is remaining came out from behind the departing thunderhead just as i got to my parking lot. the first couple of pics were just the moon and the storm clouds. but then within 5 minutes the thunderhead suddenly started to produce lightning. it became more and more frequent, and almost immediately i started to see these "finger" lightning bolts that would actually shoot out from the tower to the side into the clear blue sky that was behind it. unfortunately i only got one of these and it was fairly faint on the camera, which is another reminder that i would really like to get a better camera that gives me more options on a night like this!

scene when i first started taking pics

zoomed in pic, i love taking pics with the moon and a storm in the same pic

you can just barely see the lightning shooting out of the cloud in the middle of the pic!

nice shot

lightning bolt that tried to "escape" the cloud

some more in cloud lightning shots

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