Thursday, September 1, 2011

Lightning pics

I'm posting some lightning pics mainly from a storm that moved through right about sunset on the 6th of August. Lightning photography is one of my favorite things to do, but this year it seems like either I have been too busy driving on a chase to get pics or the storms that have moved through when I have been home in Omaha have been in the middle of the night or didn't have very good cloud to ground lightning. The first series of pics again had mainly cloud to cloud lightning which still looked pretty cool with the line coming in. After the storm had passed by my house, it seemed to intensify with the cloud to ground lightning strikes. I should have gone out and gotten a better vantage point to look east but instead stayed in my driveway. A new set of storms formed to the southwest of town later that night and I tried to get some good shots from my back deck, but our stupid trees in our backyard are getting taller and taller!!

storm moving into town from the northwest

little bit of a shelf cloud coming into view

next couple of pics are from front driveway after first storm passed

should have gone to a better spot to look east over the city

2nd storms that formed west/southwest of town

The shot below was the lone good shot I got of a high based tstorm that moved through town on the night of the 23rd of August. The lightning with this, although not frequent, was very impressive. It had very sharp bolts that seemed to hit the Earth every time and then would make that loud boom of thunder. I barely missed 2-3 other good bolts with camera before coming inside after I no longer felt safe!